7 Jersey Designs For Inspiration
Posted by Jesse Hilleary on 30th Nov 2022
Designing your own jersey or training kits can be stressful
if you’re not feeling creative or are lacking ideas. So for
inspiration, here are 7 different jersey styles from our teams who either used
our ‘design your own jersey’ function on our website, or worked with our
Design Team to bring to dream custom kit to life. You can use these for
If you are feeling creative and want to get straight into it, you can design your own jerseys on our DYO platform here.
The Australian Schoolboys Rugby League National Team mixed nostalgia with a modern look for their training kit. You can achieve this by having varying horizontal lines that are at slightly different distances from each other to form a semi-parallel pattern. This type of pattern looks sleek, which of course any national team should strive for.

North Queensland Cyclones Touch almost tell a story through their design. If you look closely, we’ve added a storm cloud pattern and lightning strikes which emanate off of their logo to really capture a feeling of power. The Cyclones also wanted to include indigenous art work to honour their indigenous players at their club, a great way to build an inclusive culture in the organisation. Overall, a great design which really catches the eye and stands out on the field.

Sometimes, the classic look is still king. By keeping the jersey to two colours and a bold chevron (the 'V' on the chest) on the chest, St Dominics College created an unbeatable, sleek look that really stands out. Including the pattern under the arms added just enough to nail the balance of simplicity and class. This classic look emits prestige, something players and fans gravitate towards.

The Yass Touch Association went the opposite direction with their design, going for a completely modern look that fully captures their mascot, the charging bull. By focusing on the bottom half of their jersey, they are able to use the impact of horns across the entire canvas of the garment in a simple way. Having a simple design at the top of the jersey keeps the focus on the bull horns graphic, which portrays the feeling that they mean business to their competition. A simple but effective way to involve their mascot in their jersey creation. If you’ve got a great mascot, make sure to ask our Design Team how it can be implemented.

The Sunshine Coast Touch Association wanted to express their coastal vibe through patterns that match their club colours. This was achieved by adding a pattern inside the chevron (the V on the chest) which worked well with their ‘surfer dude’ logo and creates an illusion of movement to the design. Adding dark dots above, and light dots below, you can get even more movement to the design without going overboard. This effect creates vibrance and energy.

Another classic look with a modern twist. The Macarthur Tigers went for a historic look by utilising a ‘chevron’ to piece the upper jersey together while keeping it simple under the sponorship chestpiece. The dotted pattern above the chevron keeps the jersey looking modern. This design is a great way to keep your clubs historic look whilst still introducing fresh aspects to support a modern look.

Central Coast Touch went for a design that seamlessly incorporates their major sponsor in a way that doesn’t stand out more than their club logo. This is a great option for branding and marketing purposes. By having three colour ways, and a balanced approach to the design, it’s a safe option to appeal to all players in the club.

If you’re looking to deck out your team in premium kits, there are two options you can opt for. You can either head to our design your own jersey section of our website by clicking here, or you can talk to one of our Sales Reps by emailing: orders@struddys.com.au
Best of luck with creating your Struddys custom kit, we look forward to hearing from you!
If you'd like to read more about our Design-Your-Own platform, click here to check out our step-by-step guide in how to create your custom apparel.